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Grace Lennon

Grace Lennon photo Grace Lennon

Grace's yoga journey began in 2016. Her passion for practice led her to become a certified yoga instructor in 2018 after training at Barefoot Yoga Studio in Lucan. Excited to share her knowledge, Grace started teaching a small group in Celbridge, but when the pandemic hit, she quickly adapted and moved her classes online, reaching out to a broader community.

Grace's classes are characterized by a warm flow that blends movement and breath, ending with a soothing savasana. Grace's love for teaching and learning shines through her adaptable style. She believes in the transformative power of education and the continuous evolution of oneself.

Driven by her passion for yoga and education, Grace creates a welcoming space for her students to explore and grow, fostering a community where learning is a continuous and shared experience. As she continues her journey as both a student and a teacher, Grace remains dedicated to spreading the profound benefits of yoga, inspiring others to find balance, peace, and self-discovery through their practice.